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[BONGKAR] PANAS!!! Jika Jasoo Loo Dianggap Tidak Setaraf, Giliran YB Liang Teck Meng Pula Cabar 'THE ARROGANT OF DOUBLE LIM'... Takkan Takut Kot??? #SahabatSMB


Sebelum ini, pemimpin pergerakan Pemuda Gerakan, Jason Loo telah mencabar EXCO Negeri P. Pinang, YB Lim Hock Seng untuk sama2 berdebat dan menjawab pelbagai persoalan berkenaan dengan skandal projek terowong dasar laut yg dirancang oleh kerajaan negeri P. Pinang... namun cabaran ini ditolak dengan cara yg begitu angkuh dan sombong oleh pemimpin negeri P. Pinang ini...

YB Lim Hock Seng yg sering menjadi kuda hitam Lim Guan Eng untuk berdepan dengan pelbagai persoalan yg dibangkitkn oleh pelbagai pihak telah memperkecilkan kemampuan Jason Loo dan mendakwa dirinya, yg merupakan ahli Yang Berhormat merangkap EXCO kanan kerajaan negeri tidak setaraf untuk berdebat dengan pemimpin Gerakan seperti Jason...

Sikap yg ditonjolkan oleh YB lim Hock Seng ini saling tak tumpah seperti bosnya, Lim Guan Eng yg sombong, angkuh dan gemar menyindir dan menghina pemimpin lain, khususnya dari UMNOBN... walhal rakyat yg sudah semakin bijak dan sedar tahu tujuan Double Lim ini bersikap demikian adalah semata-mata mahu menyerlahkan konon diri mereka hebat dan bijak, sedangkan mereka sebenarnyalah yg sedang berdepan dengan 1001 tuduhan salah laku dan salah guna kuasa...

Sehubungan itu, hari ini, YB Liang Teck Meng yg merupakan Setiausaha Agong Parti Gerakan Malaysia, merangkap Ahli Parlimen Simpang Renggam telah mengambil alih cabaran yg dibuat oleh Jason Loo terhadap kerajaan negeri P. Pinang... tentunya cabaran dari YB Liang tidak wajar ditolak, apatah lagi jika menggunakan alasan status dan kedudukan... perlu diingat, YB Liang yg merupakan Setiausaha Agong Gerakan adalah setaraf kedudukannya dengan YAB Lim Guan Eng yg juga merupakan Setiausaha Agong DAP... malah YB Liang lebih sedikit tarafnya yg merupakan Ahli Parlimen, berbanding YB LimHock Seng yg hanya ADUN Bagan Jermal...

Jom ikuti kenyataan media yg dibuat oleh YB Liang Teck Meng...

Press Statement on 11th June 2016

GERAKAN Strongly Condemns The Attempts To Avoid Public Scrutiny And The Arrogant Attacks On Free Speech By The Penang State Government Over The Penang Tunnel Project

We are shocked that the Penang State Government has resorted with such disdain and actions in response to honest and valid questions asked by many quarters about its RM6.34 billion tunnel mega-project which involves public funds and state land assets.
Over the past week, such incidents include:

1. The Penang EXCO member YB Lim Hock Seng brushed off Penang Gerakan acting Youth Chief Jason Loo's request for a public debate on this issue. The media widely reported YB Lim as saying "Who is Jason Loo? At least get someone of the same level as me".

Even if the Penang State Govt does not dare to hold a public debate on the tunnel project and subject itself to public scrutiny, there is no need for such arrogant replies.

2. Consortium Zenith-BUCG in its joint press conference with YAB Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng announced it is suing PCM Vice President Datuk Huan Cheng Guan for defamation when he had lodged two reports to the MACC.

If the documents that Datuk Huan had submitted to MACC are false then let him face the brunt of the law from MACC and not try to silent him.

3. In the same press conference, CZBUCG had also issued a warning to the organizers and participants of an upcoming forum on the Penang Tunnel that they would sue if the participants "crossed the line".

This is akin to intimidating the organizers and discourage public participation to the forum.

4. The YAB Chief Minister continues to give ridiculous answers to Federal Minister Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

For example, when asked why the Penang Government seems to be fully paying the private company to construct the RM6.3 billion Penang Tunnel project but still grant a 30 years toll concession to the very same company at the same rates as the 2nd Penang Bridge, YAB Lim answered that 30 years toll concession is not considered long and cited other highway projects.

Dato' Rahman had asked why do you pay fully for the project but still give a long toll concession to the same private company constructing the project when the norm is that the private company come out with its own financing and collect tolls to recover its investment.

Dato' Rahman questioned you on this unusually generous and special concession model. He did not questioned on the length of the toll concession.

Another example is that for years, YAB Lim had defended the need for the tunnel to have 30 years toll at the same rate as the Penang Bridges to avoid "sabotaging" the two Penang Bridges. YAB Lim had given this answer on numerous occasions.

But now that YAB Lim had proposed to drop the tolls, Dato' Rahman then asked if your long-standing excuse that no tolls on the 3rd link means sabotage of the two Penang bridges is still valid or not, YAB Lim's response is to strongly condemn Dato' Rahman for saying that Penang Govt wants to sabotage the Penang Bridges.

Who was the one to say that "no toll on 3rd link is a sabotage to current two bridges"? It is you YAB Lim. Your answer to Dato' Rahman is so illogical and hypocritical.

5. In his various press statement and when speaking to the media, instead of proper answers YAB Lim had resorted to name calling and personal insults implying that Dato' Rahman is a slow learner, a coward, anasir jahat, a liar and unfit to be a Minister.

YAB Lim is reminded of his statute as a Chief Minister. Even if he is unable to answer correctly, there is no need to engage in unbecoming personal insults of a Federal Minister just for raising valid questions.

6. My own question in my public statement two weeks ago on why CZBUCG was able to make extraordinarily high profits of RM61.5 million on sales revenues of RM51.8 million with a paid-up capital of RM8 million for the financial year ended August 2015, when it appears that their only source of payment was the land given by the Penang Govt and their work is to do the feasibility and detailed design reports? This question has also been ignored by the Penang Government.

The fact that the Penang State Assembly's own PAC report on the Penang Tunnel Project has been twice delayed, the reluctance to declassify the Penang Tunnel project documents and tender, the recent drastic actions and unprofessional behaviour, the avoidance or inability to answer simple questions may lead to increased public speculation that there is something to hide.

The Penang Government should welcome public scrutiny instead of slapping transparency in the face or attacking freedom of speech with threats and lawsuits.

Please be reminded that it is because of the recent public scrutiny and questions from Dato' Rahman, myself and other like minded individuals and groups that have led to YAB Lim conceding - despite years of stubborn refusal - and opening up the possibility of replacing the Tunnel with a 3rd Bridge - possibly saving up to RM2 billion of Penang Rakyat’s money and removing the need for Penang people to pay 30 years toll on the tunnel.

I encourage the Penang State govt to accept Gerakan's challenge of a televised public debate on this Penang Tunnel project to clear the air.

If the Penang Govt is still of the opinion that our Penang Gerakan acting youth chief is a nobody, not up to your level to debate and need to be elected as a YB first before he qualifies to debate with you, perhaps I can offer to take his place instead?

Liang Teck Meng
Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia
Member of Parliament for Simpang Renggam

By Muhammad Ariff Bin Ahmad

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